What Makes an Ad Stand Out – Good Text, Display, or Video?


As a business owner, it is important to understand the basics of what goes into a good advertisement.

All brands need promotion and the correct kind of promotion is key. In order to expand your business, it’s essential to have an effective advertising campaign. When done incorrectly, money is wasted on ineffective or poor ads. Our goal is to save money with ads and, in turn, make them more money with new clients or customers.

At 219 Group, when clients ask us “What makes a good ad?” – there is no easy answer, as it is largely based on each client. However, we will do our best to answer this in general terms.


It is important to understand what makes a good ad and what does not.

Good ads:

  • Call to action / tell the prospective customer to do something.
  • Engage customers based on where they are in the customer journey.
  • Regardless of channel, it seamlessly translates brand identity.

Bad ads:

  • Do not follow the rules and get disapproved.
  • No call to action / do not ask the customer to do anything.


In 2021, Google confirmed Responsive Search Ads (RSAs) are the default in new ad accounts. What this means is that strategies need to fit both formats to include the expanded text ads.

RSAs are made up of:

  • Minimum of three headlines (30 character limit each), maximum of 15.
  • Two descriptions (90 character limit each), maximum of four.
  • One path set (two 15-character addendums to your root domain)
  • Optional tracking templates.

As only the first two headlines are guaranteed to show in a text ad, it is imperative that you pin the calls-to-action in either headline one or two.

In text ads it is important to make sure each headline can stand on its own while being related to the others.


Display advertising is defined as a mode of online advertising where marketers use visual ads to advertise their products on websites, apps, or social media. It has been mistaken that display is only useful for remarketing; but display ads are good for various parts of the consumer’s journey. Display ads can create and build brand awareness.

The steps for display ads include creative for all the potential spots, or sacrificing some creative polish to use responsive display ads.
If you choose to opt for a responsive display ad (RDA), you are sacrificing some level of brand control in exchange for reach. These ads will open all possible placements to you.

Display and Responsive display ads require:

  • At least three images or videos, including a logo (can have up to 15 assets)
  • One long headline
  • At least one regular headline
  • At least one description
  • Business name
  • Final URL

Display ads have their own downfalls but tend to outperform traditional ads simply because they stand out. They allow more creative either from your website or social or stock images if you prefer.

Display ad tips:

  • If using video, make sure it is no longer than 15 seconds.
  • While RDAs will have a CTA button, regular display does not therefore, make sure to build a call to action button into your ad.


Video advertising is the process of displaying ads either inside online video content. This is typically before, during or after a video stream, known as pre-roll, mid-roll and post-roll or as standalone ads.

How video ads work on Youtube:

  • Bumper: 6-second spots serving before or after the main video.
  • In-stream non-skippable: 15-second spots that serve before/during/after the main video.
  • In-stream skippable: 30+ second spots serving before/during/after the main video that can be skipped after five seconds.
  • Outstream: Video spots serving in spots other than main YouTube.

Video ad composition:

  • Video: If you selected a time-specific format, you’ll receive a warning if your video is incompatible
  • CTA: 10 characters (“Learn more” is always a good option)
  • Headline: 15 characters to position your CTA
  • Final URL: Where your clickable element will lead
  • Display URL: What the user sees (root domain is the best choice)

The most important thing to remember about YouTube is understanding what you want your audience to do. If your goal is to drive them to a landing page or website, you need to make sure they watch long enough to see the website. If the goal is sales, then do not waste time on the bumper ad for awareness and put your call to action for a sale.


To decide which ad type is best is to look at the client and goals. A great ad is the result of many things – the right target audience, the right creative and using the channel correctly.


At 219 Group, we do a lot of things well. Websites, landing pages, banners, newsletters, social media, mobile marketing, search engine optimization, email and paid search campaigns are the best ways to engage with customers in an increasingly digital, mobile and personalized world. We have assembled a team of professionals to create complete digital strategies and tactics that leverage all available forms of digital media at different levels of the marketing funnel.

Contact us today to see how we can work together. Give us a call at 910.483.4749.

Nothing Less Than Intentional Graphic Design


219 Group has been doing graphic design work for a long time. Our graphic designers have created entire marketing brands for some incredible clients over the years. With each client that comes along, our creative team knows that the stakes are high and that the difference between a successful brand and an unsuccessful one can come down to simply being intentional with your graphic design.

We all know iconic brands that are instantly recognizable simply by their logo. Maybe it’s a swoosh, or a golden arch, or perhaps it is an apple missing a bite. Whatever the logo may be, chances are that once you see it, you know exactly what company is behind it. Successful branding includes several creative marketing elements, but graphic design is one of the most vital keys to defining who you are to potential clients and customers.

Intentional graphic design is the driving force behind the work that our graphic designers do at 219 Group. We listen to our clients talk about their vision for their brand and we strive to bring that vision to life. In the process of giving the client what they want, our graphic designers are thinking five steps ahead to how the clients’ logo will be integrated into all other elements of their branding campaign. Will the logo and graphic design elements merge well into the website design, and other promotional materials that will be created in the future? Does the design scheme set the client apart from competition by creating a strong and unique presence just by being seen?

Great graphic design doesn’t simply ride on one track of thought. It is not a singular accomplishment for the client. Having a team of talented graphic designers behind your company or organization only works if those that create your graphic design elements are also considering all other aspects of your marketing and publicity campaign. The creative team at 219 Group has proven time and time again that intentional graphic design succeeds every time. Could your brand use some help from a team of skilled graphic designers who have your creative vision in mind? Give 219 Group a call today at (910) 483-4749.

How to Have Success with Outdoor Advertising


Fact: The average American spend more time in their car, than they do reading the newspaper or watching television.

Due to social media and digital advertising, many people look at billboard advertising as obsolete or old school marketing. But the truth is, billboard advertising is still very important when promoting your business. Here are a few tips on how you can make it successful for your company.

Know Your Story

Fact: Billboard are noticed because of their message, colors (preferably bright) and graphics.

Your story is very important when developing an ad for your billboard. To create a story, you must know your company’s purpose. For instance, if you are a restaurant that caters to family dining then you should want to portray a family enjoying your restaurant’s cuisine. There should always be a message for people to grasp when driving by your billboard.

Also, keep in mind of the colors that you are using for this determines the type of emotions that will be evoked.  For instance, most restaurants use colors like red, blue, and yellow for research states that it stimulates hunger.

Keep Your Story Short, Sweet, and Memorable

Fact: 56% of Americans, this week, will talk about a funny billboard that they saw.

After finding your story, the key thing, when creating your billboard, is to keep it short, sweet, and most importantly memorable. Whether it is a catchphrase, jingle, or a pun/joke it should be something that drivers will constantly have in their head even when they are miles away from your billboard. For instance, when you hear the catchphrase I’m Lovin’ It or Have It Your Way, you instantly think about McDonald’s and Burger King. The phrase is so embedded in your subconscious that if you saw the phrase, without the company’s name, on a billboard, you would still know what restaurant it is. That should be the goal you’re reaching for when creating your billboard.

Location, Location, Location

Fact: If the billboard is in the right location, it can have more viewers than the Super Bowl.

Now that you have your story and the way you want to portray it, it is now time to pick the location of where you want the billboard to be. Picking the right location for your billboard can determine whether it will be successful or not. You do not want to waste a great ad in a bad location. When choosing, make sure you do your research. Ask about the level of traffic that the road, your billboard will be on, gets and at what specific time does it get the most. Also, if possible, ask about the other companies that had their billboard there and if it was successful.

Another important thing is to make sure your billboard is relatable to the drivers that are seeing it. If your billboard is on interstate 95, heading south, create a message for the typical driver that they can relate to. For instance, if you have a ski lodge and you want to advertise to those that are on the coast, a catchy message could be “Miss the Waves and Hit the Slopes”.

Fact: 219 Group can help.

Creating and designing a billboard can be tough but 219 Group can help. We have years of experience of working with different companies and can show you examples of billboards ads that we have designed over the years. Give us a call or fill out a quote form to see how we can help.

How to Survive your First Year as a Small Business Owner Using Marketing


Fact: 80% of small business owners, in the U.S., will survive their first year in business.

Although this is a remarkable number, let’s look at the statistic as half empty for a second. What about the 20%? What did they do wrong for them to not survive their first year? And the answer is marketing. The website hosting company, GoDaddy, states that 60% of start ups do not build a website for their company in their first year and only 13% of them use social media to promote their business or communicate with customers.

As a person with a potential start up, looking at the stats this way can be disappointing and discouraging, to say the least. This post will help you avoid being in that 20%.

Developing Online Presence

Whether you are a start up or veteran business in your community, having online presence is still essential to having success. Not only is having a website important but you should also have presence on several social media platforms. A website is there to inform potential customers while social media is there to engage with them. When it comes to both, you must make sure that content and images are current, this is key to ensuring that your presence is effective.

Getting Testimonials

After you have developed your online presence, the next step is to receive testimonials. Testimonials is the best type of “word of mouth” marketing. Before people buy anything, they look at the reviews, whether it be from Google, social media, Yelp, etc. Try to get your customers to leave reviews online. We suggest including an incentive when they leave one, such as a discount on their next purchase once you see their review on a credible site. This will also be a great way to increase engagement with your current customers.

As a small business owner, it can be very difficult your first year. Along with operations and possibly hiring employees, marketing can be the last thing on your mind. Luckily there’s 219 Group, and we are here to help every step of the way. Let us help you avoid being a part of that 20% your first year.

Success Begins With A Great Logo Design


The importance of great logo design for a business or organization simply cannot be overstated. If you do not believe us, just google logo design fails and you will see what we mean. For many of your key audience your logo design will be their first impression of your business or organization. You know how they say that a picture is worth a thousand words? A good logo is vital to your marketing strategy. Believe it or not, your logo could turn people away from your business or organization before you ever have a chance to interact with them. When it comes to your branding, your logo is one element that you do not want to get wrong.

The creative team at 219 Group includes graphic designers who create award winning marketing materials for a living. It’s what we do. Your logo design will become a huge part of your business or organization’s identity. People will know you by your logo. Our graphic designers will carefully craft a logo that is smart and well thought out, with input from you. We won’t settle until we get your logo right.

Our team will not stop there though. Our talented team will handle all of your branding needs including everything from stationary to brochures, billboards, business cards, menus, invitations, t-shirts, even beer bottle labels! If there is a marketing material that you can come up, chances are we can create it. We will ensure that your brand is seamless, between marketing materials, your website and your social media presence.

Business branding and corporate identity marketing come easy to us. Our marketing clients range from government organizations to popular local restaurants, from family entertainment businesses to education services and so much more. In this growing economy, where small businesses are popping up everyday, you will want to make sure that your logo design and your branding strategy work for you and get you the right kind of attention. 219 group can do that for you.

Are you ready to make a statement with your logo design and marketing strategy? Call 219 Group today and let’s get started! Your business logo does not have to be another logo design fail.


How to Design the Perfect Product Label


You may not know it, but the look and the design of your product determines the future outcome of it and if it will be successful. In any product market that you dive into, it will be competitive, and shoppers do not have time to research every product that is presented to them. So, they will more and likely pick up the product that appeals to their eye the most.

That is why it is very important that you have the perfect product label when selling.

In this article, we will list a few tips on how to design the best product label. Whether you are just entering a competitive market or a veteran that has room for improvement, this article can help.

In Living Color

The colors that you use when designing your label is essential because each color conveys a message. The right color can either add a striking look to your product and make it stand out on the shelves or it can make it invisible amongst your competitors. So, it is important that you don’t just use your favorite color when designing the label but instead use research.

Ask yourself “What message am I trying convey with this color?”

Here is a list of messages that each color conveys.

Yellow: Happy, Soft, and Full of Energy.

Orange: Friendly, Change

Red: Bold and Exciting

Green: Growth and Refreshing

Blue: Calming and Dependable

Purple: Creative and Mystic

Black: Elegant, Edgy, and Simple

Choosing the Right Font

Unlike your high school/college days, Times New Roman is not always the go to when choosing a font. When designing your label, you want to choose a font that complements both your color and brand. If you were designing a label for a kids’ cereal, you wouldn’t choose an Calibri font. For it can be too serious and might not catch the eye of children. Instead you would look for a more fun/inviting font that will stand out to both kids and parents.

Find a font that is unique and eye catching but can be readable a mile away.

“… a thousand words”

A picture is worth a thousand words and the picture/image that you use when designing your label determines what those words are.  Just like when you are choosing the right color or font, there must be research involved. Look at your competitors and see what type of graphics or images that they are using and seek inspiration from that.

Again, using research and not just your opinion is critical when designing a product label. What looks good to you may not look good to your consumers. At 219 Group, we do thorough research to create a product label that fits your company’s culture and that conveys a message that you want to deliver. Call us!

How Public Relations and Logo Design Work Together


Looking to increase brand awareness for your Fayetteville business? Let the professionals help!

At 219 group, our award winning team of graphic designers are experts in logo design and will help you take your brand to the next level. Your logo is the first thing customers see when they look for your business. Much like a book cover, your logo design should draw attention and have a wow factor! When you outsource your logo design to our talented professionals at 219, we’ll get you the logo that makes customers remember!

Creativity is our specialty. Our professional graphic design team will not only help you create your logo design but also incorporate it into a full brand. Designing your logo, brochures, ads and more, we’ll make sure every element of your brand is cohesive. Your customers will be able to recognize your company and your brand after our team of designers works with you to develop or even revamp your brand!

Once we’ve developed your logo design, our team of marketing experts will increase awareness for your brand by developing a strategy to increase your public relations in Fayetteville and surrounding areas. Revitalizing your logo and your brand isn’t enough. Our team at 219 knows that you have to work to select and target your ideal audience. Public relations brings your business into the local area and creates awareness for your company as a whole. Together, our graphic design team and our public relations experts work to develop content and design that will increase your presence on the web and in the community.

Don’t stress trying to design your own logo or trying to figure out your own public relations strategy. Let the professionals handle it! Let 219 take your company to the next level in logo design and public relations for continued growth and success in Fayetteville!


Your Full Service Marketing Agency


Is your business not getting the results you wanted? Or are you wondering what’s going to put you above and beyond your competitor down the street? Sometimes questions like these can be answered simply by hiring the right people. If you want results that you can see, 219 Group is who you’re looking for. Located in the center of downtown Fayetteville, NC with many clients spread throughout the city, you could easily call us the heartbeat of the city. 219 group specializes in advertising, marketing, graphic design, logo design, public relations, social media marketing, and more. If you’re looking for an agency that can handle it all without taking up a lot for your time, 219 group is your place. Whether you need to revamp your logo or completely shake up your style in order to attract new customers, 219 Group has got you covered.

When we take on a new client we make it our mission to be as knowledgeable about you and your services as possible. In some cases, this means going to great lengths to take part in your services as a consumer, seeing first-hand how your product works and how we can better market you to your target market. Our ultimate goal is for you to succeed and get the results you want to see in your business or organization.

Working with 219 Group is a one of a kind experience as you will soon find out during your first meeting with us. Our modern working environment has proven time and time again to yield results that are unlike other marketing and advertising agencies. The 219 group culture allows for ideas to continue to flow which means your business will always remain fresh and current.

Rebranding starts with your logo


Located in the heart of downtown Fayetteville, NC the 219 Group is never far from the action. 219 Group specializes in many advertising and marketing services among these is Graphic Design. 219 is home to an award-winning graphic design team that strives to get you noticed with creative, innovative, and eye-catching designs. Our graphics team will take your brand from ordinary to extraordinary with fresh, new designs that are sure to appeal to any audience. Our designs can be found in all mediums including television, radio, digital, custom print materials such as brochures, pocket folders, billboards and other varies marketing outlets. Our designers excel at developing content that maximizes marketing strategies and boosts your web presence.

One of the single most important tools your company or organization can have is a logo, but not just any logo. Logos need to be unique, attention-grabbing and left to the professionals (that’s us!). If you already have a logo, but it’s missing that wow factor.. that is no problem for us! Our design team has got you covered. Along with revamping your logo, it might just be time to rebrand yourself. Rebranding can be stressful if you try to go it alone, but 219 Group can see you through all the way to the finished product with minimal stress on your part.

When asked why is a logo important to your brand, our graphic designers had this to say:

“It’s how you present yourself to the world, your logo is the first impression, like a book cover.”

“It is the reference point from which the entire brand is created. It is the first thing people see of your brand and what that logo says about you could easily make or break your brand.”

“Your logo is your number 1 identifier. It is the nexus of your brand. Eventually, your logo will bond your brand’s name to success or failure. “

Once your logo and branding are ready for publication, our in-house advertising professionals can help you get the word out. At 219 we understand that advertising is not one-size-fits-all and that taking the time to really establish a relationship with the consumers that matter the most to your brand is a crucial part of being successful.

Feelings, Emotion and Graphic Design


As the world becomes more connected, attention spans shorten, and Kanye West gets a little crazier, the importance of having good graphic design becomes increasingly apparent. In a nutshell, graphic design is the presentation of ideas and information in a visually engaging manner.

Some people think graphic design only has to do with websites and how they look, but these designs are present everywhere, from newspapers to magazines to posters. When a company takes an ad out in a magazine, the difference between having a page of text regarding the product versus having an image that represents the product is immense. No one wants to sit and read through lines and lines of text (like what you’re doing right now!). They want to look at an interesting graphic that conveys feelings and emotions, and attracts them to the brand. For example, when someone looks at Nike graphic designs, they feel the energy and active lifestyle that is represented, and the feeling that they can do it.

Good graphic design, such as an iconic logo, makes a great first impression on customers, businesses and any one else who looks at it. Having a cheap, poorly made logo would cast an unfavorable light on a business, especially when a customer is trying to decide between competitors. Graphic design also helps communicate a business’ message to its customer, whether it be playful and friendly, or serious and corporate.

So what does someone do when they need high quality graphic designs for their company? They come on over to 219 Group! Out of 10,000 entries, 219 group was chosen by Graphic Design USA to receive three Certificates of Excellence for Graphic Design Awards in the areas of branding, brand identity, and print design. What makes us so good? We use an award winning team to work on visual designs with intent and purpose, specializing in dynamic graphics for web design, social media, traditional marketing, and print. With such a wide range of forms, our designs always come with the audience in mind. There’s no sense trying to describe a picture on a radio ad. Our highly qualified team also helps in brand development. Whether you want to design a logo, fine tune your brand, or simply create some branded stationery, we are there to help, with great graphic designs.

102 Person St, Suite D
Fayetteville NC 28301
1700 Glenwood Ave, Suite 201
Raleigh, NC 27608